Roswita Yuliber Luju, N.G.A Mulyantini, Ni Putu F. Suryatni, and S. Y. Dillak. “Kombinasi Ubi Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Dan Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) Serta Minyak Kelapa Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performa Dan Mortalitas Ayam Broiler: Combination of Purple Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Moringa Leaf (Moringaoleifera) and Coconut Oil in Rating on Performance and Mortality of Broiler Chicken”. Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering, vol. 3, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 1504 -, doi:10.57089/jplk.v3i2.652.