Ratio Limbah Jagung Muda dengan Konsentrat dalam Silase Pakan Komplit terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik dan Total Digestible Nutrient Secara In Vitro
Ratio of Young Corn Waste with Concentrate in Complete Feed Silage to Digestibility of Dry Matter, Organic Matter and Total Digestible Nutrient in Vitro
young corn waste, complete feed silage, concentrate, in vitro digestibilityAbstract
This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of the comparison of concentrate and young corn waste in the manufacture of complete feed silage on dry matter digestibility (KcBK), and organic matter (KcBO) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) in vitro. Using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 groups and 3 replications. The treatments in this study consisted of P0: young corn waste (100%) + concentrate (0%), P1: young corn waste (90%) + concentrate (10%), P2: young corn waste (80%) + concentrate (20 %), P3: young corn waste (70%) + concentrate (30%), P4: young corn waste (60%) + concentrate (40%). The variables observed were KcBK, KcBO and TDN. The results showed that the increase in the comparison of concentrate to young corn waste in the manufacture of complete feed silage had a significant effect on dry matter digestibility, organic matter, and total digestible nutrients (P<0.05). It was concluded that the use of the ratio of young corn waste and concentrate at the level of 70: 30 in the manufacture of complete feed silage resulted in the highest KCBK, KcBO and TDN.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan limbah jagung muda dan konsentrat dalam pembuatan silase pakan komplit pada kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK), dan bahan organik (KcBO) dan total digestible nutrient (TDN) in vitro. Rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) digunakan dengan 5 kelompok perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan terdiri dari P0: limbah jagung muda (100%) + konsentrat (0%), P1: limbah jagung muda (90%) + konsentrat (10%), P2: limbah jagung muda (80%) + konsentrat (20%), P3: limbah jagung muda (70%) + konsentrat (30%), P4: limbah jagung muda (60%) + konsentrat (40%). Variabel yang diamati adalah Kecernaan bahan kering (KCBK), Kecernaan Bahan Organik (KCBO) dan Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan perbandingan konsentrat terhadap limbah jagung muda pada pembuatan silase pakan komplit berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik, dan total digestible nutrient. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan ratio limbah jagung muda dan konsentrat pada level 70: 30 dalam pembuatan silase pakan komplit menghasilkan Kecernaan bahan kering, Kecernaan bahan organic dan Total Digestible nutrient tertinggi.