Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Peternak Babi terhadap Pengendalian Penyakit Hog Cholera di Kelurahan Lasiana Kota Kupang
Hog cholera; counseling; preventive.Abstract
East Nusa Tenggara is an area with the highest pig potential in Indonesia, with 2,694,830 pigs. Commercial pig farming in NTT Province is also developing quite well and there are opportunities for small-scale pig farmers to also start playing a role in meat supply. One of the main causes of failure in pig production is disease which results in economic losses such as Hog cholera. Hog cholera is an infectious disease caused by a virus and has become endemic in the NTT region with a fairly high prevalence of 11.83% and specifically in the West Timor region the prevalence of Hog cholera is reported at 17.8%. The purpose of this counseling is to increase the knowledge of pig farmers about Hog cholera disease as a reference for prevention and control of Hog cholera disease. In this study, data were obtained by distributing questionnaires and holding discussions with pig farmers in the Lasiana sub-district, Kelapa Lima sub-district, Kupang city. Data were analyzed to measure the participants' knowledge of Hog cholera disease before and after counseling. Based on the results of the answers to the questionnaire related to Hog cholera disease prior to counseling, namely 55.55% of participants knew that Hog cholera disease was caused by a virus, 88.88% of participants knew the clinical symptoms of Hog cholera in pigs, 72.22% of participants knew they did not consume sick animals with Hog cholera symptoms , 88.89% of participants knew the effect of cage cleanliness on Hog cholera disease. As many as 55.55% of participants did not know that leftover household food could transmit Hog cholera disease, and as many as 66.67% of participants incorrectly answered that Hog cholera disease was zoonotic and as many as 61.11% of participants incorrectly answered regarding the source of Hog cholera disease transmission. Based on the results of the questionnaires distributed after the counseling, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the knowledge or understanding of residents regarding Hog cholera disease, namely 100% of participants know the causes of Hog cholera disease, clinical symptoms of Hog cholera disease in pigs, do not consume sick animals with Hog cholera symptoms, the effect of cleaning cages on Hog cholera disease , Hog cholera infection can cause abortion. As many as 16.66% of participants did not know the source of transmission of Hog cholera disease and as many as 11.11% and 5.55% of participants incorrectly answered that Hog cholera disease was zoonotic and household leftover food could transmit Hog cholera disease.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Annytha I. R. Detha, Larry Richard Wellem Toha, Stivani Jayanthi Beda, Novalino H. G. Kallau, Diana A. Wuri, Maria Jossie, Mega Kapitan, Yosephina Delang, Aska Fanmira, Plasedis Bude, Maria Peni, Rosalinda Tahu
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