Pelatihan Penggunaan Asap Cair Kayu Kusambi (Schleichera oleosa) pada Pembuatan Se’i Sapi Skala Industri Rumah Tangga
Liquid smoke from Kusambi wood, household scale industry, se'i . beefAbstract
The traditional se'i smoking system can cause a lot of toxic smoke to stick to the meat and this is not good for health because it is a carcinogen, one way that can be done is to process se'i using liquid smoke. The aim was to provide training to the household-scale se'i industry so that they can know about liquid smoke and understand how it is applied in the manufacture of se'i meat. The method used is in the form of counseling or explanation, direct practice and mentoring and monitoring. From the results of the training, partners can clearly understand liquid smoke and how to make liquid smoke from Kusambi leaves, understand the process of making se'i using liquid smoke, starting from the dose given, the implementation of smoking meat and different heating by making se'i. i manually. traditional. In conclusion, the provision of liquid smoke in the manufacture of se'i is a solution that can be offered to partners and partners provide a good response which is reflected in active participation starting from explanation, practice and acceptance during monitoring.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bastari Sabtu, Ni Putu Febri Suryatni, Victor J. Ballo, Agustinus K. Malik
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