Pemeriksaan Ante Mortem dan Post Mortem Hewan Kurban di Masjid Al Istiqomah Kota Kupang 2022
Antemortem, Kupang City, Postmortem, Sacrificial AnimalsAbstract
The examination of sacrificial animals in 2022 at the Al Istiqomah Mosque, Kupang City aims to ensure that the slaughtered animals are in good health and do not suffer from zoonotic diseases that can harm people who consume their meat. Antemortem and postmortem examinations were carried out by examining age, sex, body condition, and also examination of the head, lungs, liver, spleen, heart, digestive tract and carcass. In the antemortem examination, 1 goat was found that was not fit for slaughter, while the postmortem examination did not find any dangerous disease in either the carcass or offal of all slaughtered animals. In conclusion, all animals slaughtered at the Al Istiqomah Mosque in Kupang City are suitable for consumption, both carcass and innards.
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