PKM Budidaya Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan Bersama Kaum Ibu GMIT Bethesda Maulafa Kupang
Livestock is an important component in a country for the purpose of food security, and is also an important to contributor of protein for the progress of the nation's generation. Livestock in NTT are currently still dominated by small-scale farms. Livestock is one of the potentials to improve and encourage the local community's economy. For the sake of the sustainability of the livestock business, and to improve the welfare of breeders amid the Covid 19 pandemic, we see the potential for superior native chicken to be cultivated by Balitbangtan. Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB Chicken) as a result of genetic selection for 6 generations by researchers from the Ministry of Agriculture's Balitbangtan. The free-range chicken business is expected to be able to support the economy of middle and lower families.
In the offered PKM activities, we invite partners from Mother’s church Bhetesda Maulafa to cultivate superior native chickens with a new maintenance system. If breeders usually keep it extensively without a cage (if they are allowed to sleep on a tree at night), then we introduced an intensification system for free-range chicken farms. We offer the potential of KUB chicken’s which can be used as commercial chickens and breeding chickens. The methods used in this service activity include assistance in making cages, counseling, handing over chicken seeds, feed and cage equipment, as well as community assistance and ongoing monitoring.
With this semi-intensive maintenance management, it is hoped that community knowledge and skills will increase regarding the advantages of raising KUB chicken’s, business opportunities, management of chicken maintenance and health, and partner groups
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Urfa S, Indrijani, Tanwawiriah. 2017. Model Kurva Pertumbuhan Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) umur 0-12 minggu. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Universitas Padjajaran. Vol 17. 2017
Hidayat C, Iskandar S, Sartika T. 2011. Respon kinerja perteluran ayam Kampung Unggul Balitnak (KUB) terhadap perlakuan protein ransum pada masa pertumbuhan. JITV 16:83-89.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Inggrid Maha, Filphin Adolfin Amalo, Heny Nitbani
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