Evaluasi Produksi dan Nilai Ekonomis Abon Sapi di UD. Tambers, Maulafa, Nusa Tenggara Timur
added value, production, economy, shredded beef, UD. TambersAbstract
The problems by partners are not yet known about the production efficiency and economic value of the production of shredded beef produced by UD. Tambers. The purpose and benefits of implementing this community service activity are to analyze the economic value of the shredded beef production process carried out by UD. Tambers. The implementation of this activity was carried out in two stages, namely the focus Group Discussion (FGD) stage and the training stage. The results obtained by the shredded beef production process at UD. Tambers of six times production, UD. Tambers processed 333 kg and produced 226,40 kg of shredded beef. The economic value of shredded beef processing is Rp. 105.775/kg. The conclusion from this activity, that UD. Tambers as a partner can provide an overview regarding production analysis and the economic value obtained from the production of shredded beef with a yield of 69.63% yields an economic value of around Rp. 105.775/kg.
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