Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Lingkar Kampus melalui Aplikasi Teknologi Tepat Guna
waste, hatching machines, vegetable mechines, organic fertilizersAbstract
Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk :1) meningkatkan higienitas makanan yang dijual ;2) meningkatkan produktivitas aneka usaha mitra; 3) mempertahankan mutu lingkungan melalui pengolahan limbah; (4) meningkatkan keterampilan/ pendapatan mitra. Luaran dari program ini adalah: (1) Aspek produksi: (a)higienitas makanan yang dijual lebih tinggi, aneka produk hasil olahan sampah plastic, (b) ternak ayam, babi yang bermutu lebih sehat dan produktif, (c) aneka sayuran organik ; (2) Aspek manajemen : Mitra lebih mampu dalam menata : (a) kebersihan/kesehatan lingkungan (b) kesehatan ternak, (d) aplikasi pupuk organik, pestisida nabati, mesin tetas, serta kelola pekarangan. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pelatihan dan demoplot dari setiap inovasi yang ditawarkan, yaitu: etalasi tempat jualan makanan, pengolahan limbah, pestisida nabati, instalasi kandang anak ayam, mesin tetas, pengendalian kesehatan ternak. Kegiatan pendampingan selama 4 bulan.
Hasil kegiatan berupa :etalase tempat jualan makanan, aneka produk hasil olahan limbah, mesin tetas, ternak ayam/babi bermutu, pupuk organik (padat ) dan pestisida nabati,aneka sayuran organik. Kesimpulan : (1) makanan yang dijual lebih higienis, 2) ) aneka hasil olah limbah plastic, 3) pupuk organic meningkatkan produksi sebesar (40-100%) efisiensi pupuk (50-60%), (4) efisiensi pestisida 100%; (5) kandang , meningkatkan produktivitas anak ayam naik sebesar 3-4xlipat , mesin tetas berdampak efisiensi waktu, produktivitas dan mutu ayam meningkat (s/d 300%) .
Kata kunci : etalase, limbah, mesin tetas, pestisida nabati, pupuk organik
The objectives of the activity were: 1) to improve the hygiene of the food being sold, 2) to increase the productivity of various partner businesses; 3) maintaining environmental quality through injection of waste treatment; (4) increase the skills and or income of partners. The outputs of this program were: (1) Aspects of production: (a) higher hygiene of food sold, various products processed by waste, (b) chicken livestock, pigs with healthier and more productive quality, (c) various organic vegetables; (2) Management aspect: Partners were better able to manage: (a) environmental hygiene / health (b) control of livestock health, (d) manufacture / application of organic fertilizers, vegetable pesticides, hatching machines, and better management of home gardens. The methods applied were training and demonstration plots of each of the innovations offered, namely: place of sale of food, processing of inorganic waste (especially plastics) and organic waste from kitchen and yard, vegetable pesticides, installation of chicken coops, hatching machines, livestock health control. Mentoring activity for 4 months. The results of the activity were: a storefront where food is sold, various processed waste products, hatching machines, quality chicken / pig livestock, organic fertilizers and vegetable pesticides, various organic vegetables. Conclusions: (1) the food sold was more hygienic, 2)) various results of plastic waste processed, 3) organic fertilizers increase production by (40-100%) fertilizer efficiency (50-60%), (4) 100% pesticide efficiency; (5) increased the productivity of chicks by 3-4 times, hatching machines have an impact on time efficiency, increased productivity and quality of chickens (up to 300%).
Key words: storefronts, waste, hatching machines, vegetable pesticides, organic fertilizers
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