Sejarah Kerajaan Seba Pada Masa Pemerintahan Raja Elias Ludji Radja Pono Tahun 1901-1906
History, Government, EmpireAbstract
The goal to be achieved in this research is to reveal the history of the Kingdom of Seba in 1690, to reveal the role of King Elias Ludji Radja Pono in the political, social and cultural fields in the Kingdom of Seba during his reign in 1901-1906. The locations in this study were all of the former territory of the Kingdom of Seba which was centered in Mebba Village, west Sabu District. The technique of determining informants was carried out by means of Snowball Sampling, namely determining key informants or people who know the most about the history of the Kingdom of Seba. The type of research used is historical research with a qualitative approach. The data sources, namely data obtained directly from people who experienced, performed and witnessed historical events, and secondary data sources obtained from anyone who is a witness who is not directly involed in historical events. Data collection techniques used in this study were through document, studies, interviews and observations. The analysis technique used in this study is the historical method, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. The result of the study show that, (1) the Kingdom of Seba is one of the Kingdoms on te island of Sabu which has the widest territory. The Kingdom of Seba was originally not a Kingdom, but a community or family group that was tied to a certain settelement, then this family group grew bigger, so a sub-cluster called udu was formed, headed by banggu udu. To make it easier to administer the government in the Habba area, around 1690 the Habba area was formed into the Kingdom of Seba with the first King Kore Rohi. (2) The role of King Elias Ludji Radja Pono in the political filed was the occurrence of a war between the kingdoms of Seba and Menia which was known as the war over the territorial boundaries of each region and under the leadership of King Elias, the Menia Kingdom decided to withdraw due to defeat and finally the Menia Kingdom vanished and was uprooted and joined by the Seba Kingdom. In the social and cultural field, King Elias Ludji Radja Pono continues to carry out according to the customs tha have long existed in society and also traditions tha have been passed down for generation for the benefit of anarai or society. In the life or society, especially those related to marriage, it is always baed on a system of norms and customs that apply in society.
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