Jurnal Sejarah
<p>Jurnal Sejarah (JS), ISSN <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20211110551161724">2808-8522</a>(Online) ISSN <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&1180426968&1&&2007">1858-2257</a> (Print), adalah jurnal penelitian yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yakni bulan Juni dan Desember oleh Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP Undana, Kupang. Tujuan: (1) menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan tentang peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi pada masa lampau dan masa kini dalam bidang sejarah. Pun dalam kajian antropologi, kebudayaan, sosiologi, politik, dan pemerintahan; dan atau pendidikan sejarah pada umumnya; (2) meningkatkan saling tukar pengetahuan antar institusi; (3) memotivasi para dosen dan praktisi untuk menulis artikel ilmiah berdasarkan hasil penelitian ilmiah dan kajian pustaka. Semua publikasi di jurnal sejarah bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun.</p>FKIP UNDANAen-USJurnal Sejarah1858-2257Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Make A Match Versus Langsung Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Pada Siswa Kelas X Sma Negeri 2 Kupang Tengah
<p>The research problem is whether there are differences in the effect of using the make a match learning model and direct learning model on the history learning outcomes of class X Students at SMA Negeri 2 Kupang Tengah. The purpose of this research is to apply differences in the influence of the make a match Laerning model and the direct learning model on the history learning outcomes of class X Students at SMA Negeri 2 Kupang Tengah. The location of this research is at SMA Negeri 2 Kupang Tengah. Data collection techniques are observation and test. This research is a type of quasi-experimental research which is conducted with 2 classes, namely the control class and the experimental class. The subjects of this ttudy were 33 students in class X Ips 1 and 33 Students in class X Ips 2. The instruments in this study were student observation steets and learning achievement tests. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes can be seen from the average learning outcomes in the control class posttest, namely, 88,30 with the category of students who meet the completeness criteria ( KKM) 20 people. Based on the result of the study it can be concluded: there are significant differences in the use of the make a match learning Model and direct learning model on students history learning outcomes. Research result shows that the results of studying history in students using the maka a match learning model students get a better average score ( mean = 88,30) compared to student learning outcomes using direct learning model ( mean = 76,80).</p>Susilo Setyo UtomoFlafius Selfianus RatoAdriana Haeleke
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2023-12-172023-12-17202113Pengaruh Examples Non Examples Dan Ceramah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMAN Benlutu
<p>The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of applying learning methods <em>Examples Non Examples </em>and Lectures on the results of learning history for class XI students of Benlutu State High School. The research method used is the experimental method. This study consisted of two observation groups, namely the Experimental Class by applying the learning method <em>Examples Non Examples </em>and the Control Class uses the Lecture learning method. The subjects in this study were students of class XI IPS<sub>1 </sub>and IPS<sub>2 </sub>at Benlutu Public High School. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and tests. The instruments used in this research are <em>Pre-test </em>and <em>Post-test</em>. The data analysis technique used is the normality test and homogeneity test. The hypothesis test used is = There is no significant difference in the effect of the application of the learning method <em>Examples Non Examples </em>and Lectures on the results of learning history in class XI students of Benlutu State Senior High School and = There is a significant difference in the effect on the application of learning methods <em>Examples Non Examples </em>and Lectures on the results of studying history in class XI students of Benlutu State High School. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in effect between the methods learning <em>Examples Non Examples </em>and Lectures on the results of studying history in class XI students of Benlutu State High School. This can be proven from the average value of student learning out comes in the experimental class taught by the method <em>Examples Non Examples </em>of 84.75 and in the control class which was treated with the Lecture method had an average value of 74.50. In addition to the test results <em>Independent Sample Test </em>in the experimental class and control class obtained sig. (2-tailed) of 0.00 <0.05.</p>DjakariahI Gede Wayan WisnuwardanaMarlinda Lusiana Teftae
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2023-12-022023-12-022021428Sejarah Kerajaan Seba Pada Masa Pemerintahan Raja Elias Ludji Radja Pono Tahun 1901-1906
<p>The goal to be achieved in this research is to reveal the history of the Kingdom of Seba in 1690, to reveal the role of King Elias Ludji Radja Pono in the political, social and cultural fields in the Kingdom of Seba during his reign in 1901-1906. The locations in this study were all of the former territory of the Kingdom of Seba which was centered in Mebba Village, west Sabu District. The technique of determining informants was carried out by means of <em>Snowball Sampling</em>, namely determining key informants or people who know the most about the history of the Kingdom of Seba. The type of research used is historical research with a qualitative approach. The data sources, namely data obtained directly from people who experienced, performed and witnessed historical events, and secondary data sources obtained from anyone who is a witness who is not directly involed in historical events. Data collection techniques used in this study were through document, studies, interviews and observations. The analysis technique used in this study is the historical method, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. The result of the study show that, (1) the Kingdom of Seba is one of the Kingdoms on te island of Sabu which has the widest territory. The Kingdom of Seba was originally not a Kingdom, but a community or family group that was tied to a certain settelement, then this family group grew bigger, so a sub-cluster called <em>udu</em> was formed, headed by <em>banggu udu</em>. To make it easier to administer the government in the Habba area, around 1690 the Habba area was formed into the Kingdom of Seba with the first King Kore Rohi. (2) The role of King Elias Ludji Radja Pono in the political filed was the occurrence of a war between the kingdoms of Seba and Menia which was known as the war over the territorial boundaries of each region and under the leadership of King Elias, the Menia Kingdom decided to withdraw due to defeat and finally the Menia Kingdom vanished and was uprooted and joined by the Seba Kingdom. In the social and cultural field, King Elias Ludji Radja Pono continues to carry out according to the customs tha have long existed in society and also traditions tha have been passed down for generation for the benefit of <em>anarai</em> or society. In the life or society, especially those related to marriage, it is always baed on a system of norms and customs that apply in society.</p>Andreas AndeDelsy A. DethanIrna M. Susanti Wadu Mata
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2023-12-032023-12-032022943Ritual Toit Ulan Pada Masyarakat Desa Baki Kecamatan Amanuban Tengah Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan
<p>Study this of aim to reveal, attitude of the Community village Baki when facing crop failure. Process of carring out the Rituals Toit Ulan in the community village Baki, central amanuban district, south central timor regency. Function, meaning and value contained in the Rituals Toit Ulan for the community village Baki. Location this study village Baki, central amanuban district, south central timor regency. Technique analysis data the used is techniques data qualitative. Ruselts research this that. Attitude community village Baki towords Ritual Toit Ulan, that is realized with the Rituals Toit Ulan because people believe that if the Rituals Toit Ulan is carried out, the ancestors will surely give rain so that the community can plant to fulfill their daily needs. So the attitude of the community is addressed by Rituals to the ancestors. Process of carrying out Rituals Toit Ulan. ‘stage early, prepare tools and materials vis oko’mama, chicken, knife, mat, stage implementation, towards Oe Fuatan then eat betel nut together. Pray to god and pray to ancestors, then chicken is slaughtered and palyed in Oe Fuatan. Stage closing, clean up’the cargo and return to la’at them and make offerings to usif an thanks”. Fungction, meaning and value Rituals Toit Ulan. The main fungction of the Rituals is humans and nature, humans plead to the ancestors as the owners of nature so that the nature ancestors fulfills humans complaints, by dropping rain. The meaning of the Rituals Toit Ulan is the sacrificial material (chicken) as symbol or sign of humans offering sacrifices to the spirits and ancestors. Value religious is belief in god that exists in person by showing something usefal and done by humans in</p>Malkisedek TaneoFransina A. NdoenOrifen Taopan
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2023-12-042023-12-042024458Sokhai dalam Tarian Adat Perkawinan Masyarakat Desa Bouweli Kecamatan Pantar Kabupaten Alor
<p>Sukmawati Dollu Serang, NIM. 1901090017 wrote this thesis entitled <em>Sokhai</em> in the tradisional wedding Dances for the people of Bouweli Village, Pantar District, Alor Regency. The problem in this research is (1) How in the process of implementing the <em>sokhai</em> dance in the people of Bouweli village, Pantar District, Alor Regency, (2) How do people understand the value and meaning of the sokhai dance in the village of Bouweli, Pantar District, Alor Regency, (3) How are the efforts to preserve the <em>sokhai</em> dance in Bouweli Village, Pantar District, Alor Regency. The purpose of this study is to explain the process of carrying out the <em>sokhai</em> dance in Bouweli Village, Pantar District, Alor Regency, to eksplain the community understanding of the value and meaning of the <em>sokhai</em> dance in Bouweli Village, Pantar District, Alor Regency, to explain the efforts made by the community to preserve the <em>sokhai</em> dance in Bouweli Village, Pantar District, Alor Regency. The informant determination teacninque was arried out by means of Snowball Sampling. The data sources in this study are primary data sources and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation, and document studies. The data analysis technique in this study is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. The research results show that (1) In the process of implementing the <em>Sokhai</em> dance in the people of Bouweli Village, Pantar District, Alor Regency, there are 3 stages that must be prepared, (a) The preparatory stage, during this preparatory stage several things were prepared, namely clothing, dancers, and equipment such as gongs, drums, and moko, then practice together and prepare physically and mentally. (b) The implementation stage, in the process of carried out in a state of dancing prancing clockwise around the circle while singing. (c) The final stage, in this stage after completing the <em>Sokhai</em> dance, it will be followed by traditional activities or ceremonies such as traditional wedding ceremonies, thanksgiving and welcoming guests and ends with eating and drinking together. (2) Community understanding of value and meaning. In the community understanding of the <em>sokhai</em> dance in Bouweli Village, it is arried out because of the encouragement of customs or habits arried out by the ancestors which are passed on to the following generations even though their function has shifted. (3) Efforts to preserver the sokhai dance are forming a sokhai dance a extracurrincular activity at school, making recordings, sokhai dance CDs and establishing a dance studio</p>Malkisedek TaneoStevridan Y. NeolakaSukmawati Dollu Serang
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2023-12-052023-12-052025973Tradisi Kabiab Alela Dalam Perkawinan Adat Masyarakat Desa Ternate Selatan Kabupaten Alor
<p>The purpose of this study was to find out background of the implementation of the <em>Kabiab Alela</em> tradition in traditional marriages in the south ternate village community, to find out the values contained in the <em>Kabiab Alela</em> tradition and how to community maintains the <em>Kabiab Alela</em> tradition. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Determination of informants in this study is snowball sampling. Data sources used are proimary data source and secondary data source, data analysis techniques can be carried out in three stage, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The result of the study show then (1) the procedure for implementing the kabiab alela tradition in traditional marriage for the people of south ternate village, namely the stage of the traditional marriage tradition for the people of south ternate village, which begins with the arrival pf the grooms family anf spokes person to the house of the grooms family adnd spokes person to the brides familys house to convey to the brides family the intet and purpose of our presence at this time. And date, the male family will go to ask the woman to bring the object that has been agreed upon, namely a gong, moko, one goat, rice, betel nut, and coffee sugar, after being received by the brides family and the ceremony continues from receiving guests,eating and drinking until its finished. The finaly stage is marriage (2) the values contained in the kabiab alela tradition are religious values, this implementation process always involves go to complete the kabiab alela tradition, the value of unity, where all communities and families come together to complete the process of implementing the tradition kabiab alela,value of deliberation, the two families together take good decisions through deliberatgion to reach a consenses to determine the wedding day, value of mutual cooperation,where both families and the community maintains the kabiab alela tradition. (3) How the community maintains the Kabiab Alela tradition. 1) old customs and community leaders require all the younger generation to follow the kabiab Alela tradition which is held every year. 2). Carry out this tradition every year so that this tradition continues to exist and is carried out by the next generation, because this tradition is a legacy from ancestors that must be preserved by children and grandchildren or the next generation. 3) the community can increase human resources in advancing local culture, encouraging the community to maximize local cultural potential alomh with empowerment and preservation of traditions<strong>.</strong></p>Stevridan Y. NeolakaDelsy A. DethanNelci Lely Febriani Kolibel
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